Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Video Jug Punctuation

I found the videos on videojug for punctuation interesting. The explanation is very straightforward and rapid, but as it's a video a teacher could keep pausing and starting again. A teacher might even find it easier to find out about punctuation from this than a book, as it is so straightforward. I like the easy English accent; there is a comment complaining about the voice over's mispronunciation of "haitch", but actually I like it as it is the way that most teachers and learners in my institution talk. The content makes it mostly Level 2 however.

I wonder how much teachers will actually use little bits of video like this. You'd need to be confident and well-equipped to switch a little bit of video in, because you don't want to make a big thing of it - it's just an alternative way of presenting learning. However, I can see from my teaching and that of my colleagues that video is becoming more and more important.

I'm working on creating videos at college for use in supporting in mainstream, and that is creating interest. I seem to be adding video links regularly, but this is the first time I've added something to the interactive activities pages.


Anonymous said...

Hi Chris,
My name is Nick Haigh and I'm the Skills for Life Co-ordinator at York College. I've been reading your blog with interest over the last two nights and I was wondering whether you would be happy for me to cite your blog in mini research project I'm currently undertaking at part of my Online MA in New Literacies at the University of Sheffield ? The study is looking at the use of blogs by adult literacy tutors and learners, ideally in the UK, although I'm struggling to find examples, with the exception of yours.Canada seems the best source, although adult learner blogs are still quite difficult to come by.
As you can tell by my user name I'm quite new to the digital world myself, although I'm keen to introduce more use of digital texts with our learners, when I return to work. (see my blog at for why I'm currently not at work).

Chris Jackson said...

No problem with citing. My only suggestion is to look at ESOL blogs. There may be some in the UK, but they are likely to be private. Chris

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris,
Thanks for giving me permission to cite you. ESOL tutors do appear to be using blogs more than literacy tutors, but as you said nearly all of them are private and I'm struggling both in terms of contacts and time to get access.


Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.